Our PTO comprises hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in open board positions? Contact us!  presidentdhspto@gmail.com


board members


Julie Calderon 773-469-9575 PresidentDHSPTO@gmail.com
Beth Linderman 224-392-2384 TheLindermanFamily@gmail.com
Secretary  Raisa Zarkhin  847-207-2588  raisa.zarkhin@gmail.com
Treasurer Alison McEvoy 773-450-6847 theprairiegirl@gmail.com
Webmaster Alison McEvoy 773-4506847 theprairiegirl@gmail.com
President Emeritus Matt Rich 847-282-0549 mattrich22@yahoo.com
CTAD Liason Nancy Nervick 312-927-9280 nancy@nervick.com (non-Exec Board Position)
1st Vice President Stephanie Blumberg 847-363-5598 stephdubin@yahoo.com
Senior Lawn Signs Paige Farber 312-213-3408 lawpaige1@gmail.com
Membership Matt Rich 847-282-0549 mattrich22@yahoo.com
Bake Sale Allison Suhowatsky 312-543-3088 asuhowatsky@gmail.com
Dining Dollars Stephanie Blumberg 847-363-5598 stephdubin@yahoo.com
Discount Cards Julie Calderon 773-469-9575 Jules719@gmail.com
Senior Tribute Cards & Holiday Cards Christy Hahn 773-330-4417 hahn701@sbcglobal.net
2nd Vice President Paige Farber 312-213-3408 lawpaige1@gmail.com
Hospitality Julie Calderon 773-469-9575 jules719@gmail.com
Hospitality Allison McEvoy 773-450-6847 theprairiegirl.com
Teacher Appreciation Week Julie Calderon  773-469-9575 Jules719@gmail.com
Grand Warrior Day & Honor Society Night
Stacey Platt 773-715-1946 staceyplatt2@gmail.com
Beth Linderman  224-392-2384 TheLindermanFamily@gmail.com
Karen Ebroon 773-294-5882 karenkogan@yahoo.com